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Monthly Reports | August 2023

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | August 2023

Google Business

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results:

Here are the Google Business reports:

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store:

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns:

Website Analytics

Website analytics were not available for August 2023. 

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics

Note: June 29, 2023 was the last date of data processing in the current version of Google Analytics and thus shows a marked drop-off of June 30, 2023. The migration to Google Analytics 4 is in process and new data will be available in the coming weeks. 

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 06/2023 compared to 06/2022:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 06/2023:

Posted on

Monthly Reports | July 2023

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | July 2023

Google Business

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 07/1-31/2023.

Here are the Google Business reports for 07/05-31/2023:

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 07/1-31/2023: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 06/1-30/2023:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 06/01-30/2023 compared to that of 06/01-30/2022:

Note: June 29, 2023 was the last date of data processing in the current version of Google Analytics and thus shows a marked drop-off of June 30, 2023. The migration to Google Analytics 4 is in process and new data will be available in the coming weeks. 

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 06/2023 compared to 06/2022:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 06/2023:

Posted on

Monthly Reports | June 2023

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | June 2023

Google Business

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 06/1-30/2023.

Here are the Google Business reports for 06/01-30/2023:

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 06/1-30/2023: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 06/1-30/2023:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 06/01-30/2023 compared to that of 06/01-30/2022:

Note: June 29, 2023 was the last date of data processing in the current version of Google Analytics and thus shows a marked drop-off of June 30, 2023. The migration to Google Analytics 4 is in process and new data will be available in the coming weeks. 

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 06/2023 compared to 06/2022:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 06/2023:

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Web Traffic & Updates Report | Q1 2023

Web Traffic & Web Updates Report | Q1 2023

Web Traffic & Analytics

1. Overall Traffic

2023’s Q1 overall web traffic shows relatively flat performance compared to that of 2022 Q1. There was a minor decrease in total users, new users, and sessions. But with minor to moderate increase in page views, pages/session, avg. session duration, and bounce rate.

Overall users and new users were on high in January and February of 2023, compared to 2022, but fell short in March..

Overall web traffic in 2023 is up however, following multiple campaign efforts centered on small tractors, as well as general new content and site features. 

2. User Demographics

User demographics for 2023 Q1 show the continued trend of younger users and female users increasing. The demographic changes are small. The largest changes with respect to age in the increase in users aged 35-44 and the decrease in ages 65+. There was a ~4% increase in female users on the site.  

3. User location

The location of website users in 2023 Q1 was consistent with that of 2022 Q1. This is a good thing as it shows that the vast majority of the site content is reaching customers and potential customers.

In 2021 Q1, there were increases in the total number of users in Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico, with decreases in our other 5 states, accounting for the total ~6% decrease in users in Q1.

4. User Behavior/Content Flow

Behavior flow charts from 2023 Q1 show the effectiveness of CCE campaigns, organic traffic to the home page, small tractor campaigns, mid ag & hay campaigns, featured used equipment sales, recruiting efforts, as these are the most common entry points of the site.  

5. User Acquisition

The user acquisition in 2023 Q1 shows an overall more even distribution of traffic sources. The most significant source of traffic continues to be organic, as desired, with relatively even split between social media, paid search, display ads, and direct traffic. This is optimal. The smallest contributor is referral traffic as expected.       

Website Updates & Improvements

To coincide with increased efforts in the small tractor market, the CUTs category page has received a complete redesign including a lot of new content. The additional content and features serve to increase overall organic traffic as well as improve the user experience and encourage customer action and conversion once on the page. Click the screenshot below to visit the page. 

Additionally, there is a new content section on the website dedicated to DIY video guides we have created and are continuing to create for our customers:

Posted on

Monthly Reports | May 2023

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | May 2023

Google Business

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 05/1-31/2023.

Here are the Google Business reports for 05/01-29/2023:

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 05/1-31/2023:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 05/1-31/2023: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 05/1-31/2023:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 05/01-31/2023 compared to that of 05/01-31/2022:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 05/2023 compared to 05/2022:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 05/2023:

Posted on

Nephi Community | Gunnison Valley HS Welding

Nephi Community | Gunnison Valley High School Welding Class

As a part of their community bonus pool contribution for 2023 the Nephi store donated $20,000 to the Gunnison Valley High School Ag Welding and Woodshop programs.

With the donations received, the Gunnison Valley High School welding class is hard at work with several new Miller welders and other tools. The program continues to be a great success. Some students that have previously struggled in other academic efforts have demonstrated hard work, skill, and perseverance in welding class. The students in the pictures below have each won awards for their efforts and projects in the program.

Special thanks to the Nephi Team for sending over this wonderful story and pictures to share with the Stotz Community!

Posted on

Monthly Reports | April 2023

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | April 2023

Google Business

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 01/4-30/2023.

Here are the Google Business reports for 04/01-30/2023:

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 04/1-30/2023:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 04/1-30/2023: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 04/1-30/2023:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 04/01-30/2023 compared to that of 04/01-30/2022:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 04/2023 compared to 04/2022:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 04/2023:

Posted on

Monthly Reports | March 2023

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | March 2023

Google Business

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 01/1-31/2023.

Here are the Google Business reports for 03/01-31/2023:

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 03/1-31/2023:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 03/1-31/2023: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 03/1-31/2023:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 03/01-31/2023 compared to that of 03/01-31/2022:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 03/2023 compared to 03/2022:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 03/2023:

Posted on

Monthly Reports | February 2023

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | February 2023

Google Business

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 01/1-31/2023.

Here are the Google Business reports for 02/01-28/2023:

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 02/1-28/2023:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 02/1-28/2023: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 09/1-30/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 02/01-28/2023 compared to that of 02/01-28/2022:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 02/2023 compared to 02/2022:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 02/2023:

Posted on

Monthly Reports | January 2023

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | January 2023

Google Business

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 01/1-31/2023.

Here are the Google Business reports for 01/01-31/2023:

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 01/1-31/2023:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 01/1-31/2023: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 09/1-30/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 01/01-31/2023 compared to that of 01/01-31/2022:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 01/2023 compared to 01/2022:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 01/2023: