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Monthly Reports | December 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | December 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 12/1-31/2022.

Here are the Google Business reports for 12/01-31/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 12/1-31/2022:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 12/1-31/2022: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 09/1-30/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 12/01-31/2022 compared to that of 12/01-31/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 12/2022 compared to 12/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 12/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | November 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | November 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 11/1-30/2022

Here are the Google Business reports for 11/01-30/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 11/1-30/2022:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 10/1-30/2022: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 09/1-30/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 11/01-30/2022 compared to that of 11/01-30/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 11/2022 compared to 11/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 11/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | October 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | October 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 10/1-31/2022.

Here are the Google Business reports for 10/01-31/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 10/1-31/2022:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 10/1-31/2022: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 09/1-30/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 10/01-31/2022 compared to that of 10/01-31/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 10/2022 compared to 10/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 10/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | September 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | September 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 09/1-30/2022.

Here are the Google Business reports for 09/01-30/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 09/1-30/2022:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 09/1-30/2022: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 09/1-30/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 9/01-30/2022 compared to that of 09/01-30/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 09/2022 compared to 09/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 09/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | August 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | August 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 08/1-31/2022.

Here are the Google Business reports for 08/01-31/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 08/1-31/2022:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 08/1-31/2022: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 08/1-31/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 8/01-31/2022 compared to that of 08/01-31/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 08/2022 compared to 08/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 08/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | July 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | July 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 07/1-31/2022.

Here are the Google Business reports for 07/01-31/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 07/1-31/2022:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 07/1-31/2022: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 07/1-31/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 7/01-31/2022 compared to that of 07/01-31/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 07/2022 compared to 07/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 07/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | June 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | June 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 06/1-30/2022.

Here are the Google Business reports for 06/01-30/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 06/1-30/2022:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 06/1-30/2022: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 06/1-30/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 06/01-30/2022 compared to that of 06/01-30/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 06/2022 compared to 06/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 06/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | May 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | May 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 05/1-31/2022.

Here are the Google Business reports for 05/01-31/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 05/1-31/2022:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 05/1-31/2022: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 05/1-31/2022:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 05/01-31/2022 compared to that of 05/01-31/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 05/2022 compared to 05/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 05/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | April 2022

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | April 2022

Lean Media

Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 04/1-30/2022.

Here are the Google Business reports for 04/01-30/2022

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing

Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 04/1-30/2021:

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 04/1-30/2021: 

Social Media

Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 04/1-30/2021:

Website Analytics

Here is an overview of our website analytics for 04/01-30/2022 compared to that of 04/01-30/2021:

Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 04/2022 compared to 04/2021:

Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 04/2022

Posted on

Monthly Reports | October 2021

Monthly Digital Advertising Results | October 2021

Lean Media
Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 10/1-31/2021.

As a reminder, Lean Media is the third party company we are using to target farm owners & operators using verified farm data to deliver online ads directly to the individuals and households we care about most. Their goal is to help us reach a larger audience with precision, control, and frequency across platforms and devices.  

This last month, our overall Click-through-rate (CTR) was 0.163%, which is great. For reference, the industry average CTR is about 0.08%. Our impressions were also higher than expected, well exceeding the guaranteed impression amount.. We are excited about these ad campaign results and will continue to refine our ads and audiences in an effort to continue to make them as effective as possible. 

Google My Business 

Here are the Google My Business search results for 10/1-31/2021.  

Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated

Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps

Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps

Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps

Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps

Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search

Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps

Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps

Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing

Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing

Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing


Google Ads

Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 10/1-31/2021: 

Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 10/1-31/2021: 

Social Media

Here is a breakdown of the Facebook Ad campaign results by store for 9/1-30/2021: