Monthly Digital Advertising Results | April 2022
Lean Media
Here are the Lean Media Digital Ad results for 04/1-30/2022.
Here are the Google Business reports for 04/01-30/2022
Overall Rating: Overall rating of this listing as of the date the report was generated
Total Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching on Google Search or Maps
Direct Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the business name or address on Google Search or Maps
Discovery Searches: Number of times customers found this listing by searching for the category, product or service on Google Search or Maps
Total Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search or Maps
Search Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Search
Map Views: Number of times this listing has been viewed on Google Maps
Total Actions: Number of times customers have taken action on this listing on Google Search or Maps
Website Actions: Number of times customers have visited the website from this listing
Directions Actions: Number of times customers have requested directions from this listing
Phone Call Actions: Number of times customers have called the business from this listing
Google Ads
Here is an overview of our company-wide Google Ad campaigns for 04/1-30/2021:
Here is a breakdown of the Google Ad campaign results by store for 04/1-30/2021:
Social Media
Here is an overview of our company-wide Facebook Ad campaigns for 04/1-30/2021:
Website Analytics
Here is an overview of our website analytics for 04/01-30/2022 compared to that of 04/01-30/2021:
Here is an overview of the acquisition channels for web traffic in 04/2022 compared to 04/2021:
Here is an overview of the most active pages on the website in 04/2022