
Casa Grande Community | Eloy Elementary School District

Ruby James, Superintendent of EESD stated the money will go towards several programs they have for their students. The school also has an in-house food bank and steady supply of clothes for those in need that not only help the students but the community at large.

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Bluffdale Community | Day Ranch Park All-Abilities Section

When Stotz Equipment learned about the All-Abilities section in the Day Ranch Park, they wanted to help. On April 28, three representatives from Stotz Equipment brought a donation for the park to City Hall. Mayor Hall, along with other City staff, accepted the $10,000 check.

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Avondale Community | DeeCilla Comfort Center

“On behalf of DeeCilla Comfort Center, please accept my most sincere appreciation for your overwhelming generosity. You and your team have been such a blessing to us as we work to change the lives of women and children transitioning from homelessness and abuse to independence and freedom.”

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